Life on an Arabian breeding farm in Capitan, NM.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

I know what I said, but…

I suppose that if my life was normal, I’d be bored to tears, but a little normalcy would be nice once in a while. I had every intention of getting back to writing on a regular basis, but there were doctor appointments, a disaster of a house to clean (still no better), things to do outside (I really need to get a real wood pile before winter comes), and yes, my taxes. I did a few things trying to do my taxes at night, but it wasn’t enough. Well they’re finally done, and I now I can get to all the other projects I have started.
I did manage to get Star & Jazzy into the arena, and started them on supplements. They are putting on weight, but have a way to go yet. Jazzy decided that since Jeri was almost all healed up I needed someone else to doctor. Now mind you I’ve had several horses in the stall I made off the arena, and no one got so much as a scratch. Jazzy being Jazzy decided to try to impale herself on one of only two T-posts along the longest stretch of panels. Sherry is in Kansas (her father had open heart surgery, and is now doing fine) so I can’t call her. I didn’t see the injury until I fed at night, and she probably did it soon after I fed in the morning, because the edges had already started to dry out. It was too late for stitches, but after what happened to Jeri I pretty much knew what to do. She took her shots just fine, but didn’t like getting doctored. She was very good, just not pleased about it. I washed the wound with Benadine shampoo, irrigated it with solution, and used the same concoction I used on Jeri. The wound is on her chest at the shoulder so I can’t bandage it. Thank you Lord for Alu-spray. It keeps most of the medicine on for a while at least, and it keeps the flies away. Of course it has turned chilly so there aren’t too many to bother her. The penicillin wasn’t strong enough so I had to get another antibiotic. I also had to cut off a flap of skin. My first surgical procedure! Ok so it was only a little flap of skin that had to be cut off, but I did have to cut, and that makes it surgery. I gave her some Banamine, and she didn’t even flinch. She’s fine now, still doesn’t like getting doctored, but she puts up with it.
The rest of the horses are doing well now that they have been on supplements for about a month. Ibn, and Marina are just about at their perfect weight. Jeri looks fantastic for an old man with no back teeth, Stormy is almost where he needs to be, and so is Ser-Haat. Little Big Man is good, but Espree still needs some weight. She inhales everything I feed her. Lizzie & Sadie are still skinny, but I doubt that I will ever get them where they need to be. Sadie has always been thin, and Lizzie being a TB is just showing her age. I remember when we lived in Buckeye, there was an old palomino in the pasture across from us. The rest of the other horses were nice and fat, but he was skin & bones. It wasn’t because he wasn’t getting his share of the food, trust me he was, he was just too old to put on enough weight to get him through the winter. Sadie, and Lizzie are like that. They also have big hay bellies. As soon as it stops raining (thank you Lord for that), I’ll start working them again. I have to get back to doing Sadie’s feet too.
I’ve started feeding them oat hay. I can get a one ton square bale for $80, so whether they like it or not, that’s what they’re getting. All the supplements are killing my budget so they get oat hay. Marina loves it so long as she doesn’t have to eat the stems. The rest are so so about it. It was a novelty at first, now they’re getting a little tired of it. The boys are still getting grass, and I’m giving some grass to a few of the others. I’m also cutting down on the goodies, except for Jeri of course. I have to get back to giving them just hay, ok so maybe most of them will get hay, and some will get goodies too. So I spoil them what else is new? All our animals are spoiled, and that is as it should be. Now all I have to worry about is whether or not I will get money back from our taxes, break even or have to pay. Like I have any money left over to pay taxes. I can’t do anything about it now, I’ll just pray, and hope for the best. So life goes on.

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