Life on an Arabian breeding farm in Capitan, NM.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

I’m really not that disorganized…

I’m actually a very organized person it’s just that no matter how I plan out my days, something always seems to interfere. The first few hours are always the same. I get up wait for my body to unclench itself while I have coffee, feed, and then start my day. That should only take me to about 10:30 am or so. If things haven’t fallen apart by then they will soon after. I have discovered that it takes about 4 hours for me to get water, and siphon it into the storage tank. I have another 250 gallons to get this weekend, then on Monday I will buy another 750 gallons, and start the process all over again. Father came up with an idea, and he is now going to watch the water (weather permitting) as it goes from the tank to a bucket to be siphoned out by our sump pump (that is trying to die) into the storage tank. He said he could read while he watches the water. You see no matter where I have the truck either the sump pump siphons faster than the tank the water comes out of, or vice verse. Where I have it now for the first half of the tank the water comes out of the tank faster so periodically you have to shut off the water from the tank, and let the sump pump catch up. Then for a while they go at the same rate. Once you get closer to the bottom the sump pump is faster so you have to turn it off, and let the water build up in the bucket again. Nothing is easy in my world.
To give you an example, there was the day petty much everything was going wrong. Sadie decided to colic, at the same time (I was feeding of course) Katy brings in a roll of grass hay. Now I can’t use my right arm for much of anything. In point of fact I spent all afternoon with the heating pad wrapped around my neck, and shoulder. I have the horses fed, they have their truck in the breezeway, and Sadie goes down. I kick them out so I can take Sadie out of her stall (I still have to make their goodies for the next morning). God love her for a horse person Katy knows very little about horses, but she knows this is serious. She, and Harold are arguing about how to get the roll of hay in the stall I let her use to store her hay, while I take Sadie to the round pen to try to exercise those cramps out. Remember I have no Banamine, Jazzy (Sadie’s daughter) used the last of it when I cut that flap of skin off her chest). I told Sherry that if I didn’t have it I would need it, and sure enough I needed it. Sherry calls in the midst of all this, and says my meds have come in. A lot of good that does me as she’s about an hour round trip from here. She can’t bring it over because it’s getting dark, and she still has to bring in her horses. Sadie is not cooperating. She does fine till I leave he alone, and then in about five minutes she goes down again. She has pooped, and starts eating as soon as I let her then down she goes. I swear she’s doing it on purpose so she can get some nice fresh grass.
Meanwhile Katy, and Harold finally get the hay where they want it, and leave me alone to deal with Sadie. Ok so I was a little miffed there was no offer of help, but such is life. I carry on. By this time I’m walking around like a drunk I’m so tired. I don’t know who’s worse off, Sadie or me. I skirtch her head, and can tell she’s not going to walk this one off. I tell her ok, I’ll go get the meds, but she has to hang in there until I get back. I know she will go down as soon as I leave her alone in her stall. I call Sherry, and tell her I’m on my way.
I make really good time (only going a little too fast mostly) until I get to the main road to her house. Four cars turn on Ft Stanton Rd in front of me. Ok I can deal with that only the speed limit is 55 mph, and they are doing 40 mph. Give me a break. I had a speech all ready in case a cop stopped me, but this is ridicules. About the only good thing was that two of them turned on Sherry’s road, which I was afraid I was going to miss in the dark. Half the time I miss it in the daylight. Then they drive 30 mph till I turn on Sherry’s street. Why me Lord, don’t answer that! Sherry is waiting in the garage then she can’t remember where she put the box the meds came in. She gets frazzled easily (like I don’t!). We find the box, and I’m on my merry way back home. I got the big bottle of Banamine this time. I race to the barn leaving the gator’s lights on so I can see to fill the syringe, but that doesn’t help me see once I get to Sadie’s stall. She’s down (the moon finally rose so I have some light), but gets up when I come into her paddock. She sees that syringe, and says no way Jose! She used to be real good about shots, but the older she gets the crankier she gets. I tell her the more she fidgets, the longer it’s going to take, and eventually I get it in her. She can be such a pain sometimes.
I feel her tummy, which is slightly damp meaning I got back just in time. She was starting to sweat up. I call Sherry to let her know what’s going on, and she tells me to let her rest so long as she doesn’t start thrashing. It takes 15 – 20 minutes for the Banamine to start working so I leave her alone for about half an hour, check her, and she’s no better, but no worse. I go back in the house, and check her again in about 30 minutes, finally she’s up, and eating her dinner. Just because she got a lot of good grass while I was trying to work out the cramps doesn’t mean she can’t eat some more after all. By this time it’s about 11:00 pm so I simply email Sherry to let her know Sadie’s fine. I’m not going to call her at 11:00 at night, but I don’t want her to worry either.
See what I mean, I had the whole day planned, then the wind came up, and my body said you’re going to spend the day on the heating pad, then Sadie pulls her thing while Katy, and company disrupt my evening schedule, and not only is the day shot, but all night too. This weekend is supposed to turn cold, and I still haven’t worked on my woodpile. I did get a new blade for the miter saw, and if I can clean off a place for it on Rudy’s work bench then Dad can cut the small branches while I work on the larger branches with my (ok so it’s really Rudy’s) reciprocating saw. That was one of my other projects I was supposed to get done the past two weeks.
I haven’t started working any of the kids, but I did discover why stable Espree has lost so much weight. It seems someone has been pilfering her feed. I wouldn’t have discovered it if I hadn’t decided to start Espree on supplements to try to get her weight up. When I went back to give her her goodies I found half her hay in Regalia’s stall with her contentedly munching away at it. No wonder Espree’s always starving no matter how much I increase her hay. Needless to say the hole Regalia had dug out got filled back in. I expect I will only have to feed Espree goodies for a week or so before she starts to fill out again. That little snit, I’ll probably have to increase Regalia’s feed now that she isn’t getting half of Espree’s hay on top of what I normally feed her which I can tell you is a lot!
So see it’s not that I’m so disorganized. How can one work on a schedule when it’s disrupted before one can even start a schedule. If something isn’t breaking, the weather screws me up, or someone is gets hurt, or sick, or any of a dozen other things is going wrong. I haven’t even gotten Mother’s room cleared out. I need to clean the chicken coop (I’m getting about half a dozen eggs a day now), finish a coat rack, clip, and bath the two little dogs, clean my house, get a real wood pile done, unpack the remainder of the boxes of my mothers glassware, re-arrange the computer room, make an exercise room out of Mother’s room, haul about 750 gallons of water a week (250 gallons a trip, and I do not like hauling water, that’s another story), clean some stalls, finish the front yard (that means moving the very heavy fountain pieces off the porch to the outside), cut the weeds around the porch, paint the ramp we had built for Mother, fix the Blessed Virgin statue that broke in moving, try to get my mower fixed, finish re-arranging the garage, somehow get the stuff in the garage to the dump, and in between get Star under saddle, and Stormy, and Ser-Haat started on ground work. Oh, and I have to trim feet, and get LBM so I can trim his feet. Is that all or have I forgotten something? Dear Sweet Lord in Heaven, please let that be all!

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